information studies


Welcome to the School of Information Studies, where we pave the way for cutting-edge education in various information-focused domains. We offer a diverse range of graduate and undergraduate courses, along with specialized certificates, designed to equip students with essential skills for the digital age. Our curriculum spans areas such as information and data literacy, digital humanities, geographic information systems, systematic reviews, digital citizenship, and information ethics. Whether you’re seeking to enhance your major with elective courses or pursue a dedicated certificate, our programs cater to your academic and professional aspirations. Explore our offerings and embark on a journey of discovery and innovation in information studies.

Student Talking In Clasroom
Professor Teaching Class
students studying

Vi Raparthi
Student Testimonial

Vi Raparthi

“ILS 230: Data Science and Society: Ethical, Legal, Social Issues deepened my understanding of data science’s societal impact. The course challenged me to critically evaluate diverse perspectives on complex issues such as privacy, data governance, and algorithmic ethics, refining my analytical skills and guiding my professional aspirations.”

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