Information-Focused Teaching & Learning
The Information-focused Teaching & Learning REAL promotes the research excellences of the Purdue Libraries by building an active community among researchers whose scholarship is centered around Information-focused teaching and learning. Our REAL provides a place for faculty and staff members to exchange information, identify resource/training needs, facilitate collaboration, allocate resources, and prototype ideas. The diverse array of research interests cultivated by members of the REAL share a common focus on teaching and learning within higher education and beyond.
Faculty Fellows

Margaret Phillips
Associate Professor and Associate Head, School of Information Studies
Research interest: technical standards, engineering information literacy, workplace information literacy for engineering, technology, and business students, evidence synthesis practices in engineering disciplines

Dave Zwicky
Associate Professor
Research interests: Application of patent and trademark information in science and technology education, chemical information literacy instruction, and workplace information literacy for STEM disciplines.
Affiliated Faculty and Staff Information
Name & Title | Brief Overview of Research Interest |
Annette Bochenek, Assistant Professor | Scholarship of teaching and learning; information literacy; primary sources |
Chao Cai, Assistant Professor | Scholarship of teaching and learning in biological information |
Bert Chapman, Professor | Assessment & evaluation of aspects of higher education, student success and learning |
Amy Childress, Director, Purdue Office of Undergraduate Research | Research, evaluation, and scholarship on high-impact educational practices and experiential learning |
Melissa Chomintra, Assistant Professor | Intersectional feminism; critical race theory; critical cartography; feminist geography; feminist information literacy |
Rachel Fundator, Assistant Clinical Professor | Informed learning, information literacy, inclusive pedagogy, scholarship of teaching and learning |
Matthew Hannah, Assistant Professor | Digital Humanities, media studies and archaeology, critical theory, literary history, network analysis |
Andrea Hayes, Assistant Professor | Health information literacy, women’s health literacy, BIPOC health literacy and community outreach |
Heather Howard, Associate Head & Associate Professor | Scholarship of teaching and learning, how students and recent graduates use information both in the classroom and workplace, critical librarianship, and academic library leadership |
Nastasha Johnson, Associate Professor | |
Kristin Leaman, Assistant Professor | Scholarship of teaching and learning; information literacy and archival literacy instruction in freshman composition; Archival literacy and primary source literacy instruction, including critical archival studies, rare books, and medieval and early modern manuscripts; intersection of special collections and digital humanities |
Samantha LeGrand, Assistant Clinical Professor | Information literacy pedagogy to empower democratic participation; algorithmic literacy—developing critical, reflexive uses of algorithmic info systems to empower informed human decision-making; students-as-partners pedagogy; participatory methods |
Zoeanna Mayhook, Assistant Professor | Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Business Librarianship, Market Research, Information Behavior |
Sammie Morris, Head University Archives & Professor | Archival literacy and teaching with primary sources; print and digital archives |
Jason Reed, Associate Professor | Evidence Based Practice, Conversations about Death and Dying |
Dave Zwicky, Associate Professor | Application of patent and trademark information in science and technology education, chemical information literacy instruction, and workplace information literacy for STEM disciplines. |
- Howard, H. International Business Information. Seed Grant. March–August 2023.
- Howard, H. Workplace Information Literacy Readiness: What do Employers Think? Travel Support, Presentation and Research, LILAC & Oxford U Research Project, April 18–29, 2023.
- Maybee, C. Casting a New Conversation: Recognizing Information Literacy as a Discipline. Travel Support, Presentation at ACRL Conference, March 15–18, 2023.
- Phillips, M. Preparing the informed workplace one micro-credential at a time. Travel Support, Presentation at ACRL Conference, March 15–18, 2023.
- Leaman, K. RSA Conference Chair Panel: Nuts and Bolts. Travel Support, Presentation at RSA Annual Meeting, March 9–11, 2023.
- Chomintra, M. Honoring the legacy of bell hooks’ transformative pedagogy as feminist praxis. Travel Support, Presentation at ISSOTL-International Society for Scholarship of T&L, March 2–5, 2023
- Lunch & Learn, February 1, 2023, Using a GA to Support One’s Research. (co-sponsored with the Knowledge Synthesis REAL). Panelists: Chao Cai, Bethany McGowan, Pete Pascuzzi. Recording.
- Lunch & Learn, April 5, 2023, Experiences using Teaching Practice as Research. Panelists: Heather Howard, Clarence Maybee, Jason Reed. Each presenter discussed: examples of their teaching and learning practice/research, advantages/challenges to this type of research, strategies for conducting practice-based research. Recording.
- Teaching and Learning Community of Practice events (3–4 per semester focused on pedagogy and student learning), Rachel Fundator
- Developing algorithmic literacy content for Teaching@Purdue (Innovative Learning), Samantha LeGrand
- IMPACT faculty learning community and other IMPACT offerings, Chao Cai, Melissa Chomintra, Rachel Fundator, Andrea Hayes, Nastasha Johnson, Samantha LeGrand, Kristin Leaman, Clarence Maybee, Zoe Mayhook, Jason Reed, & Wei Zakharov
- ID:EALS Symposium offered April 12-13, 2023, Clarence Maybee, Rachel Fundator, & Samantha LeGrand
- GRIP Workshops: Conducting a Literature Review, Zoeanna Mayhook and Jerilyn Tinio, February 14, March 8th, and May 15th (2023)
- CURE – Purdue Instructor Development Program (Amy Childress, Stephanie Gardner, & Craig Zywicki):
- Two-day workshop: June 14–15, 2022 and June 21-22, 2022
- Community of Practice meetings: April 28, 2023, February 22, 2023, October 28, 2022, October 27, 2022, October 18, 2022, October 17, 2022
Clarence Maybee, Rachel Fundator, & Samantha LeGrand | Secret Permenter, History graduate student |
Rachel Fundator & Samantha LeGrand | Benjamin Weiss, Mechanical Engineering undergraduate student |
Margaret Phillips & Heather Howard | Jiahong Wang, OUR Scholar, Business undergraduate student |
Jason Reed | Zoona Ahmad, Doctorate of Pharmacy student |
Kristin Leaman | Mac Boyle, English graduate student |
Chao Cai | Justyna Czader, College of Education graduate student |
Zoeanna Mayhook | Chris Ghita, Business undergraduate students, Honors |
Amy Childress, JJ Sadler, & Craig Zywicki | Layla Dang, Psychology doctoral studentYiheng (Megan) Zhou, Counseling Psychology doctoral studentMikayla Klemp, undergraduate studentHarmya Bhatt, undergraduate studentArmaan Kanchan, undergraduate studentValerie Minnick, undergraduate studentEmeline Papp, undergraduate studentAadya Pawar, undergraduate studentBritney Ramos, undergraduate studentFilippa Rodriguez, undergraduate student |
- Howard, H. A., Bochenek, A., Mayhook, Z., Trowbridge, T., & Lux, S. (2023). Student information use during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 49(3), 102696.
- Chomintra, M. (2023). Oppressive Authority: Dismantling, Reexamining, and Reconstructing Notions of Authority in Information Literacy Instruction. In M. N. Mallon, J. Nichols, E. Foster, A. Santiago, M. Seale & R. Brown (Eds.), Exploring Inclusive & Equitable Pedagogies: Creating Space for All Learners, Volume 1. (pp. 103–120). ACRL.
- Maybee, C. (2023) Navigating a Shifting Landscape: Information Literacy in Higher Education. In Anne C. Behler (Ed.) Leading Dynamic Information Literacy Programs. Routledge.
- Allcroft, A., Metwaly, M., Berg, Z., …Zakharov, W. (2023) Observing Human Mobility Internationally During Covid-19. Computer. 56(3), 59-69.
- Hérubel, Jean-Pierre V. M., Maybee, Clarence, (2022). Navigating Institutional Histories: A Typology for Graduate Researchers to Differentiate Genres and Determine Historical Veracity. In: Kurbanoğlu, S., Špiranec, S., Ünal, Y., Boustany, J., Kos, D. (eds) Information Literacy in a Post-Truth Era. ECIL 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 377–384
- Chapman, A. (2022). The Australia, United Kingdom, United States (AUKUS) Nuclear Submarine Agreement: Potential Implications. FORCES Initiative: Strategy, Security, and Social Systems. Paper 4. The Australia, United Kingdom, United States (AUKUS) Nuclear Submarine” by Bert Chapman (
- Harmeyer, N. (2022). More Than a Memory: Introducing Undergraduate Students to Research and Writing Through Archival Objects. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research, 5(4), 36–36.
- Maybee, C., & Whisken, A. (2022). Informed learning: Engaging with information enables learning. In D. Oberg & B. Shultz-Jones (Eds.). Global Action for School Libraries: Models of Inquiry. DeGruyter Saur
- Phillips, M., Howard, H., & Brewster, G. (2022). Examining business students’ workplace information use during internships and co-ops. Journal of Business and Finance Librarianship.
- Chapman, A. (2022, December). Biden Administration U.S. Space Force Policy Literature. Space Education & Strategic Applications.
- Chomintra, M. (2022). Reflecting on Critical DEI Practices in Spatial Collection Development, Metadata, and Instruction, Journal of Map & Geography Libraries, 18:1-2, 68-86,
- Reid, P., & Maybee, C. (2022). Textbooks and course materials: A holistic 5-step selection process. College Teaching, 70(4), 518-529.
- Zakharov, W., Gerrish, T., Li, H., Davis, A., & Little, E. (2022) Exploring the Electronic Course Reserves Management and Reading List Tool Leganto through the Lenses of Academic Librarians and Instructors, Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning, 16:2, 168-180,
- Chapman, A. (2022) Strategic Petroleum Reserve: Origins and Evolution. Purdue University College of Liberal Arts FORCES Initiative: Strategy, Security, and Social Systems. “Strategic Petroleum Reserve: Origins and Evolution” by Bert Chapman (
- van Beek, L., Milkoreit, M., Prokopy, L., Reed, J. B., Vervoort, J., Wardekker, A., & Weiner, R. (2022). The effects of serious gaming on risk perceptions of climate tipping points. Climatic Change, 170(3), 1–23.
- Maybee, C. (2022) Faces of informed research: Enabling research collaboration. Journal of Information Literacy. 16 (1), 91-107.
- Flierl, M., Maybee, C., Bonem, E. (2022). Measuring the Relationship Between IL and Course Grades. In: Kurbanoğlu, S., Špiranec, S., Ünal, Y., Boustany, J., Kos, D. (eds) Information Literacy in a Post-Truth Era. ECIL 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1533. Springer, Cham.
- McGowan, B. (2021). World Health Organization’s Early AI-Supported Response with Social Listening Platform. Journal of the Medical Library Association. 110(2).
- Clemens.E, Reed, J.B., Baker, E.S., Baker, C.M. (2021). Effect of death and dying elective on student empathy and attitudes toward mortality. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 13(12), 1627-1633.
- Phillips, M., Howard, H., & Zwicky, D. (2023, May). Using Digital Badges to Prepare Students for the University to Workplace Transition. [Invited presentation]. Association of College and Research Libraries Digital Badge Interest Group, Spring 2023 Program, virtual.
- Howard, H., Phillips, M., Wang, J., Zwicky, D. (2023, April). Workplace Information Literacy Readiness: What do Employers Think? [Presentation]. LILAC: The Information Literacy Conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
- Fundator, R., LeGrand, S., Permenter, S., & Weiss, B. (2023, April 12-13). SPIRaL: Student Partners for Information Research and Literacy Undergraduate Research Program [Conference presentation]. Institute for Information Literacy at Purdue ID:EALS Symposium, West Lafayette, IN, United States.
- Huber, S., & Mayhook, Z. (2023, April 19-21). Getting Visual: Assessing the need for visual literacy instruction within engineering and business courses [Conference presentation]. LILAC: The Information Literacy Conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
- Fundator, R. & LeGrand, S. (2023, April 28). Students as Partners in the Library: Creating Meaningful Information Literacy Instruction Together [Conference presentation]. Information Literacy Summit, Glen Ellyn, IL, United States.
- Howard, H., Phillips, M., & Marshall, E. (2023, May). Engaging Outside the Library Walls – Supporting Students & Departments. [Presentation]. Academic Library Directors Annual Meeting, Evanston, IL.
- Maybee, C. & Kaufmann, K. (2023, May). The discipline of information literacy: Changing the conversation on your campus. LOEX Conference, Harrisburg, PA.
- Phillips, M., Howard, H., Zwicky, D., and Berry, F. (2023, March 15–18). Preparing for the informed workplace one micro-credential at a time [Poster presentation]. Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Hannah, M. (2023). Information Literacy in an Age of Misinformation. Information and Democracy: Education Access, Libraries, and Society (ID:EALS) Symposium, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
- Behler, A. (moderator), Maybee, C., Gammon, R., Brown, E., & Souza-Mort, S. (2023, March). Forging ahead: Leading dynamic information literacy programs. [Panel presentation] Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Chomintra, M., Cutts, Q., Comeforo, K., Matacin, M., Opdycke, K., Pizer, B. (2023, March 2–5). Honoring the legacy of bell hooks’ transformative pedagogy as feminist praxis. AWP Annual Conference 2023, Atlanta, GA, United States.
- Zakharov, W. (2023). Student mentoring and professional development discussion. [Invited virtual presentation]. Special Libraries Association Engineering Community Midday Break.
- Bruce, C. S., Maybee, C., & Gasson, S. (2022, December). Reimagining the role of IL: Sustaining information literacy futures (Keynote Panel). Western Balkans Information and Media Literacy Conference and 11th International Summit of the Book (hybrid event), Bihac, Bosnia.
- Leachman, C., Phillips, M., Rowledy, E., Solomon, D. (2022, November 10). Introduction to Technical Standards. ASEE Engineering Libraries Division (ELD) Professional Development Webinar Series. ASEE Engineering Libraries Division (ELD)
- Tinio, J., (2022, July 26). Library Guides to Leganto: Changing Formats of Course Reading Lists for Online Education Graduate Students. 2022 Distance Library Services Conference, 2022 Distance Library Services Conference, West Lafayette, IN.
- Sadler, J., Childress, A., & Dey, T. (2022, June 23 – 29). Developing Online Courses to Expand Undergraduate Research across Campus. Council on Undergraduate Research Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
- Zywicki, C., Sadler, J., & Childress, A. (2022, June 23 – 29). Assessment and Evaluation of a Novel Online Undergraduate Research Curriculum. Council on Undergraduate Research Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
- Childress, A., Phillips, I., Dang, L., Zywicki, C., & Sadler, J. (2022, June 23 – 29). Long-term Lessons Learned from Covid-Inspired Changes to Student-Mentor Relationships in Undergraduate Research: A Qualitative Study of Students’ Perceptions. Council on Undergraduate Research Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
- Tittle-Hudson, H., Childress, A., & Sadler, J. (2022, June 23 – 29). Off-the-Shelf Components Lead to Effective UR Design, Making Life Easier for Everyone. Council on Undergraduate Research Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
- Phillips, M., Howard, H., Mayhook, Z., & Bochenek, A. (2022, May 24-27). Preparation for the Information Needs of the Future Workplace: Introducing Business Students to Industry Standards. [Conference Presentation]. International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, Athens, Greece.
- Zakharov, W., Gerrish, T., Li, H., Davis, A., & Little, E. (2022). Exploring the electronic course reserves management and reading list tool Leganto through the lenses of academic librarians and instructors. Presented at the Distance Library Services conference, West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Bochenek, A. (2022). Affectively Accessing Our Past: The Use of Film and Primary Resource Research Methods in Undergraduate Teaching. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference. Athens, Greece.
- Gafford, S.D., Tong, L.O., Hayes, A.M. (2023, May). Rural Health Promotion and Engagement: A Scoping Review. [Poster Presentation]. Medical Library Association, 123rd Annual Meeting, virtual, Detroit, MI, United States.