
Minor in Information Studies
In a world where information shapes every facet of our lives, from cutting-edge technology to the spread of misinformation, we offer students an unparalleled opportunity to explore the realm of Information Studies. Whether you’re delving into the depths of science and engineering or charting a course through the realms of business and liberal arts, this minor promises invaluable insights into navigating our increasingly complex information landscape.

Student Testimonial
Joreen Arigye
“My experience working with Professor Wei Zakharov on the NSF IUSE grant, “Prioritizing Data Life Cycle Management for Shaping Next-Generation Researchers”, has been instrumental in my personal and professional growth. This opportunity provided essential funding for my Ph.D. while building my skills and confidence in managing end-to-end research processes, from data collection to dissemination. Collaborating with Professor Zakharov and the interdisciplinary team allowed me to gain valuable experience in multi-disciplinary teamwork and enhanced my coordination and research abilities”

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of the GIS certificate program for the fostering of more meaningful research in all academic fields.
Gaia Cervini, Ph.D. student in Civil Engineering

Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities
A graduate certificate in DH emphasizes computational methodologies for advanced research in the humanities or social sciences. Students will be introduced to a range of computational methods designed to supplement their own research while engaging theoretical debates within the field itself. Students will learn basic methodologies in a focused survey, which will be supplemented through graduate seminars that offer more in-depth training in digital methods and technologies. In addition, students will complete an original prototype of a digital project, which will support and extend their own research. While students will apply digital methods to their own research, the program itself is rigorously inter- and multi-disciplinary, fostering dialogue across academic disciplines. The program consists of 12-credit hours, including the Digital Humanities Foundations course in which they will design a project prototype and a Digital Humanities Capstone in which they will further build their project and present it formally to the campus. Additionally student will complete two elective seminars in computational methods.

Undergraduate Certificate in Digital Humanities
An undergraduate certificate in DH allows students to explore complex humanistic problems through the application of technology and, at the same time, assess our technological society using humanistic methods of reading, critique, analysis, and nuance. This program offers an exciting opportunity for students to combine interests in technology, computer and data science, and engineering with the focused study of history, philosophy, literature, music, and the arts. Furthermore, the combination of a liberal arts and technological education has proven to be attractive to employers seeking creative solutions for technical problems. The 15-credit certificate consists of two required courses and a three additional courses from a list of approved courses.

Graduate Certificate in Geospatial Information Science (GIS)
Geospatial information is, literally, everywhere. The ability to analyze, interpret and integrate spatial information, whether in sciences, technology, humanities, or social sciences, adds an extra dimension of investigation and allows you to ask and answer whole new types of research questions. The Graduate Certificate Program in Geospatial Information Science provides a systematic training program in GIS applications, analysis, and management for post-baccalaureate students of all disciplines. The program consists of four 3-credit courses in four categories: foundations, advanced topics, applications, and a capstone project course.

Do we have courses? Of COURSE we do!
Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies offers both graduate and undergraduate courses on information literacy and data literacy, digital humanities and geographic information systems, systematic reviews, digital citizenship and information ethics, and foundational concepts in undergraduate research. ILS courses may meet elective, core curriculum, or certificate requirements for your major and other programs.