Knowledge Synthesis and Systematic Reviews
Research in this area uses a systematic approach to identify, appraise and synthesize information on specific topics. This includes systematic reviews and other types of reviews, but it also extends to bibliometric, network and content analyses to discover trends in research, collaboration, or publishing.
Faculty Fellows

Jason B. Reed
Associate Professor
Science and Engineering Libraries
Research Interest: Systematic Reviews, Scoping Reviews, Evidence Based
Practice, Review Methodologies

Chao Cai
Associate Professor
Science and Engineering Libraries
Research interests: Systematic reviews, bioinformatics and bibliometrics
Affiliated Faculty and Staff Information
Name & Title: Jason B. Reed
Project List: Systematic reviews
Name & Title: Chao Cai
Project List: Systematic reviews
Name & Title: Wei Zakharov
Project List: Systematic reviews
Name & Title: Dear R. Lingely
Project List: Systematic reviews
Name & Title: Nathan A. Rupp
Project List: Systematic reviews
Name & Title: David A. Zwicky
Project List: Systematic reviews
Name & Title: J.J. Sadler
Project List: Review methodology
Name & Title: Nastasha E. Johnson
Project List: Systematic reviews
Name & Title: Bethany McGowan
Project List: Systematic reviews
Name & Title | Project List |
Jason B. Reed | Systematic reviews |
Chao Cai | Systematic reviews |
Wei Zakharov | Systematic reviews |
Dear R. Lingely | Systematic reviews |
Nathan A. Rupp | Systematic reviews |
David A. Zwicky | Systematic reviews |
J.J. Sadler | Review methodology |
Nastasha E. Johnson | Systematic reviews |
Bethany McGowan | Systematic reviews |
- Cai, C. Developing an R package and shiny app. Seed Grant. March–August 2023.
- Yatcilla, Y. Doctoral Dissertations on Human-Animal Interactions: Update on Gerbasi et al, Travel Support, Presentation at International Society of Anthrozoology Conference, June 15–18, 2023.
- Cultural and Historical Factors Influence the Impact of Health Information Literacy Interventions in Black American Communities: A Qualitative Systematic Review, Bethany McGowan.
- A Scoping Review of Household Factors Contributing to Dietary Quality and Food Security in Low-Income Households with School-Age Children in the U.S., Bethany McGowan
- Opioid Stewardship: A Scoping Review for Optimizing Patient Care and Safety with a Multidisciplinary Approach, Bethany McGowan.
- “Scholarship of Drug Information and Library Sciences Instruction in Pharmacy Education: A Systematic Review”, Jason B. Reed
- “Scoping Review of Engineering Systematic Reviews Methodology”, Jason B. Reed
- “Whey protein supplementation and type 2 diabetes mellitus risk factors: An umbrella systematic review of randomized controlled trials”, Jason B. Reed
- “Review of ChIP-seq methodology and analysis approaches”. Pete E. Pascuzzi
- Evidence Synthesis Workshop, Purdue University, May 3 and 4, 2023.
- Hérubel, J.-P.V.M. (2023). University press publishing and the ecology of disciplinary fluidity: General observations. Learned Publishing, 36: 164–170.
- Newlon, J. L., Reed, J. B., Stone, R. H., Satterfield, K. G., & Meredith, A. H. (2022). Pharmacist‐prescribed hormonal contraception services: A systematic review of implementation studies. Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, 5(1), 85–98.
- Majed, E., Ruiz, Y., Amireault, S., Reed, J. B., Snyder, F. J., McDonough, M. H., & Blankenship, B. (2022). Examining Positive Youth Development Interventions With a Physical Activity Component to Address Bullying Among Pre- and Early Adolescents: A Critical Review of the Literature. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 42(3), 389–413.
- Wagner, R. G., Bellisario, K. M., & Kong, N. N. (2022). Change in Doctoral Dissertation Topics in Forest Resources from US Universities Over Four Decades. Forest Science.
- Hérubel, Jean-Pierre V. M. (2022). For Alma Mater: Publishing Institutional Histories of Higher Education and University Presses: Purposes, Genre and Scholarly Value.” Learned Publishing, 35, 288–291.
- Marete, C., Zakharov, W., & Mendonca, F. (2022). A systematic literature review examining the gender gap in collegiate aviation and aerospace education. Collegiate Aviation Review International, 40(1).
- Haddaway, N. R., Rethlefsen, M. L., Davies, M., Glanville, J., McGowan, B., Nyhan, K., & Young, S. (2022). A suggested data structure for transparent and repeatable reporting of bibliographic searching. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 18, e1288.
- Connolly, G., Clark, C. M., Campbell, R. E., Byers, A. W., Reed, J. B., & Campbell, W. W. (2022). Poultry Consumption and Human Health: How Much Is Really Known? A Systematically Searched Scoping Review and Research Perspective. Advances in Nutrition, 13(6), 2115–2124.
- Wang, Y., Uffelman, C. N., Bergia, R. E., Clark, C. M., Reed, J. B., Tzu-Wen, L., … & Campbell, W. W. (2022). Meat Consumption and Gut Microbiota: A Scoping Review of Literature and Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials in Adults. Advances in Nutrition.
- Harris, M., Moore, V., Barnes, M., Persha, H., Reed, J.B., Zillich, A. (2022) Effect of pharmacy-led interventions during care transitions on patient hospital readmission: A systematic review. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 62(5), 1477-1498.
- Ekeigwe, A., McGowan, B., Parker, L., Byrn, S., & Clase, K. (2022). Describing competency requirements for competency-based regulatory sciences education in sub-Saharan Africa – A qualitative systematic review. Pharmacy Education, 22(4), p. 42–62.
- Hill, E., Lauren E. O’Connor, Yu Wang, Caroline M. Clark, Bethany S. McGowan, Michele R. Forman & Wayne W. Campbell (2022) Red and processed meat intakes and cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus: An umbrella systematic review and assessment of causal relations using Bradford Hill’s criteria, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition,
- Schwichtenberg, A.J., Janis, A., Lindsay, A. …Yatcilla, J. (2022). Sleep in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Narrative Review and Systematic Update. Current Sleep Medicine Reports, 8, 51–61.
- Shao, G., Eisenberg, J.(2022, Oct 29). Mining scientific literature with Natural Language Processing to expand bibliometrics analysis. ASIS&T SIG AI Workshop 2022, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Bottenberg, M., Isaacs, A., Reed, J.B., Robin, P., Shenoy, P. (2022, July 25). Stronger Together: Collaborating with Librarians to Teach Evidence Based Decision Making. AACP Pharmacy Education 2022, American Association of the Colleges of Pharmacy, Grapevine, TX.
- Carlson, R., Jones, E., Martin, J., Reed, J.B., Wisniewski, C.(2022, July 25) Preventing review roadblocks: Developing high-quality and efficient pharmacy systematic reviews. AACP Pharmacy Education 2022, American Association of the Colleges of Pharmacy, Grapevine, TX.
- Chapman, A. (2022, July 21). Maritime Administration Information Resources: Introduction to Its Economic, Maritime, and National Security Information Resources. FDLP Academy, U.S. Government Publishing Office, Washington, D.C.
- Yatcilla, J.K., Weigand, K.J. (2022, July 7) Systematic Reviews on Human-Animal Interactions Topics: An Examination of Methodologies. [Presentation] International Society for Anthrozoology Annual Conference, Boise, ID.
- Bergia III, R., Byers, A., Campbell, W., Connolly, G., Davis, E., Reed, J.B., Wang, Y. (2022, June). Whey Protein Supplementation and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Risk Factors: A Scoping Review of Systematic Reviews and/or Meta– Analyses of Randomized Controlled Trials. Nutrition 2022 Live Online, American Society for Nutrition.
- Campbell, W., Olson, M., Reed, J.B., Anderson, N., Hill, E., Uffelman, C., Wang, Y. (2022, June). The Effects of Red Meat Intake on Inflammation Biomarkers in Humans: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Nutrition 2022 Conference, American Society of Nutrition.
- Phillips, M. (2022). An Overview of a Work-in-Progress Scoping Review of Systematic Reviews in Engineering. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, ASE, Minneapolis, MN.
- Craig, B.A., Brouder, S.M, Volenec, J.J., Cai, C., Yatcilla, J.K., Murrell, S.T., Ruark, M.D., Barford, C. (2022, May 18) A Seminar Course on Systematic Review in Agriculture and the Environment. [Poster] Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Logan, UT.
- Yatcilla, J.K., Walker, D. (2022, April). Modulating captive mammalian social behavior: a scoping review on olfactory treatments. International Society for Applied Ethology, 14th North American Regional Meeting.